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Kanashii Hodo  Anata ga Suki

I love you so much  I'm sad
Английское название - I love you so much  I'm sad ;
Aниме - Detective Conan ;
Комментарий - 24th Ending Theme ;
Ki ga tsuitara koishi katta
Kanashii NYUUSU
Afureru machi de

Anata no koe ga kike nai hi wa
Watashi no subete ga tomaru

Kanashii hodo anata ga suki de
Koishi sugiru to
I woke up and missed (you)
In this city
overflowing with sad news

On the days when I can't hear your voice
Everything stops for me

I love you as much as I'm sad
When I miss too much, "Why?"
Is it so painful...
Holding courage, I opened the door
Of a new world
You dyed my heart into
The colour of the dawn
So I'll make it with you

Flying in the skies like a bird
I want to fly freely in the huge skies

On the days when you are depressed and looking down
I want to gently brighten you up

I love you as much as I'm sad
Love is a tug-of-war
It looks like rapidly, towards you
I'm getting pulled over
Can we still meet each other again tomorrow?
What should I do?
As much as I don't know
You dyed my heart into
The colour of the sunset

The campus in the eyes where stars fall
Which is the star which will prophecize the future?

I love you as much as I'm sad
When I miss too much, "why?"
Is it so painful...
Holding courage, I opened the door
Of a new world
You dyed my heart into

Seven colours

Dyed into seven colours

So I'll make it with you

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